Connectionist Models Of Language Processing Research

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All connectionist models have in common that they consist of subunits that can, in one way or another, be likened to brain structures. The neuroanatomical structures the network elements stand for are either large brain regions and the pathways between them, or local clusters of neurons and their mutual connections, or individual neurons and the web of fibers in which they are embedded. There are at least three major meanings of the term ‘Connectionist model’: (a) Classical connectionist models proposed by nineteenth-century neurologists specify centers and pathways that are analogous to cortical areas and fiber bundles most relevant to language, and related modern neurobiological approaches to language propose intensely connected cell assemblies with different cortical distributions as the brain basis of language; (b) Symbolic connectionist models suggest single artificial neurons corresponding to linguistic units (language sounds, words, etc.); and (c) Distributed connectionist models represent such linguistic entities by activity vectors involving numerous neuronal elements. This research paper will explain these three different notions by introducing the respective research areas (Sects. 1–3). In the final Sect. (4), recent trends in the research on connectionist models of language will be highlighted.

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1. Neurological And Neurobiological Models Of Language

In the second half of the nineteenth century, connectionist theories were proposed by neurologists to summarize and model the effect of brain lesions on cognitive functions (Caplan 1987). The underlying idea was that local processing systems, so-called centers, specialize in particular cognitive processes. These were thought to be autonomous processors. The centers were linked through so-called pathways which allowed for information exchange between them. The pathways had their analogue in fiber bundles in the white matter of the brain. The most famous classical neurological model of language goes back to Wernicke (1874) and Lichtheim (1885). This model explains basic features of organic language disturbances, aphasias. The main proposal of the Wernicke–Lichtheim model was that there are two centers for language processing, one mainly involved in speech production and the other primarily contributing to language comprehension. This hypothesis could be confirmed by a wealth of clinical studies. It is now well-established that, in most right-handed subjects, the main or core language areas are located in the left inferior frontal lobe (Broca area for speech production) and in the left superior temporal lobe (Wernicke area for speech comprehension).

In the light of modern neuropsychological and neuroimaging research, early connectionist models turned out to be too crude to explain many patterns of brain activation induced by language processing, and the more fine-grained aspects of language disorders caused by brain lesions. It now appears more likely that the ‘language centers’ of Broca and Wernicke are not functionally independent but that they are mutually dependent when functioning properly. Furthermore, while these core language areas are certainly important for language, they are certainly not the only cortical areas contributing to and necessary for language processing. This is demonstrated by neuroimaging research (EEG, fMRI, MEG, PET) showing that, in addition to the core language areas, other areas light up when specific language stimuli are being processed, and by converging neuropsychological reports about patients with lesions outside their core language areas who showed category-specific linguistic deficits. These studies show that, in addition to the core language areas, there are additional or complementary language areas that are activated during language processing and whose lesion causes deterioration of aspects of language processing.

Mutual functional dependence of the core language areas and the category-specific role of complementary language areas are explained by a neurobiological model postulating that words and other language elements are cortically organized as strongly connected assemblies of neurons whose cortical distributions vary with word type (Pulvermuller 1999). Accordingly, concrete words referring to objects and actions are organized as widely distributed cell assemblies comprising neurons in sensory and motor areas involved in processing the words’ meanings. In contrast, highly abstract grammatical function words and grammatical affixes are proposed to be more focally represented in the left-hemispheric core language areas of Broca and Wernicke (Pulvermuller 1999). In summary, neuron sets in core language areas appear to be relevant for all types of language-related processes, and complementary neurons in areas related to actions and perceptions regularly involved in language use may contribute to category-specific language processes.

2. Symbolic Connectionist Models Of Language

According to modular approaches to cognitive psychology, the mental language processor consists of quasi-autonomous subprocessors or modules, and language processing therefore is being considered the result of quasi-autonomous subprocesses. The sub-processes envisaged to be involved in language comprehension are, for example, input-feature analysis, letter or phoneme analysis, word form processing, and semantic analysis (Morton 1967). These processes are assumed to occur sequentially or in a cascaded manner. A similar but reverse cascade has been assumed for the putative subprocesses of language production which finally results in movements of the articulators or the (writing) hand (Garrett 1984).

In symbolic connectionist models, the subprocessors of modular models have been replaced by layers of neuron-like elements, the assumption being that individual artificial neurons represent acoustic or visual features, phonemes or graphemes, word forms, and word meanings (see, for example, McClellend and Rumelhart 1981). Symbolic connectionist networks have been applied with some success to the modeling of word production (Levelt et al. 1999) and word recognition (Norris et al. 2000), as well as other language phenomena, for example speech errors observed in normal speakers and language-impaired neurological patients (see, for example, Dell 1986).

A still open issue is whether information should only be allowed to flow in one direction between the subcomponents of the postulated networks, from input to semantics in comprehension and from semantics to output in production. As an alternative, reciprocal connections and thus bidirectional information flow has been proposed to take place between the layers of the networks.

3. Distributed Connectionist Models Of Language

The distributed network type most commonly used to model language resembles symbolic networks, because both network types are made up of layers of neurons and connections between layers. An important difference is the following: Symbolic networks include local representations—usually single artificial neurons— that represent elementary features of the input and output as well as more complex entities such as, letters, phonemes, and words. In contrast, distributed networks use activity vectors over large sets of neurons in a given layer to represent words and other more complex linguistic structures. The distributed net-works most commonly used in language simulations do not include direct connections between the neurons of one layer. The active neurons defined by an activity vector are therefore not connected to each other and do not form a functionally coherent system. This distinguishes them from cell assemblies with strong internal links. However, as a consequence of associative learning, artificial neurons in different layers may strengthen their connections to neurons in other layers indirectly linking the active neurons defined by individual activity vectors.

The classical type of distributed network, the perceptron, consists of two layers of neurons. Each neuron in layer one is connected to each neuron in the second layer, though connection strengths (or weights) vary as a function of associative learning of pairs of input–output patterns. In the 1960s, Minski and Papert (1969) proved that perceptrons can learn to solve only a certain type of classification problem called linearly separable. In the 1980s, Rumelhart and McClelland (1986a) showed that the addition of one ‘hidden’ layer of neural units between the input and output layers, and extension of the learning rule, allows for overcoming this limitation. The networks were now able to learn to solve more complex classification problems and this led to a strong interest in three-layer neural architectures. Three-layer perceptrons were used with some success to model language: There are models that classify speech signals (e.g., Waibel et al. 1995); others that mimic important aspects of the infant’s learning of language specific information as described by elementary rules (e.g., Hare et al. 1995); simulations of the effects of focal brain lesions on language functions (e.g. Plaut and Shallice 1993) and of the recovery of language functions after stroke.

For solving more complex problems posed by syntax, the network architecture had to be modified once again. Three-layer architectures do not allow for keeping information in memory for a longer time span, but this is necessary for assessing syntactic dependencies between temporally distant language units as, for example, between the first and last words of a long sentence. To solve this problem, a ‘memory layer’ allowing for reverberation of activity and information storage has been added to the three-layer- architecture (Elman 1990). Such networks including an additional memory layer can be shown to be more powerful than three-layer perceptrons in storing serial order relationships. They are capable of learning subsets of syntactically complex sentence structures, for example aspects of so-called center-embedded constructions.

4. Current Trends

After introducing three types of connectionist models, this research paper will now highlight selected topics in connectionist research, where the three approaches offer somewhat different views and where the divergence in views has actually led to productive research.

Recent trends in connectionist research on language include the more detailed modeling of syntactic mechanisms and attempts at mimicking more and more properties of the actual neuronal substrate in the artificial models (Elman et al. 1996). Multidisciplinary research across the computational and neurosciences is necessary here. The strategy to copy the brain’s mechanisms into the artificial neural network may be particularly fruitful for implementing those higher cognitive functions that, if implemented in the bio-logical world, only arise from specific brain types. The brain’s structure is information that may be of relevance for neuronal modeling.

The modeling of rule-like verbal behavior is an illustrative example for successful multidisciplinary interaction in connectionist research on language. It is sometimes assumed that symbolic algorithms are necessary for explaining the behavior described by linguistic rules. For producing a past tense form of English, one would, accordingly, use an abstract rule such as the following addition rule scheme:

Present stem+Past suffix=Past tense form

In particular, an algorithm of this kind could model the concatenation of the verb stem ‘link’ and the past suffix ‘ed’ to yield the past tense form ‘linked,’ and, in general, it could be used to derive any other regular past form of English. However, it is difficult to see how an irregular verb such as ‘think’ or ‘shrink’ could yield a past form based on a similar rule. In the extreme, one would need to assume rules for individual words to provide algorithms that generate, for example, ‘went’ out of ‘go.’ This would require stretching the rule concept, and linguists have therefore proposed that there are two distinct cognitive systems contributing to language processing, a symbolic system storing and applying rules and a second system storing relation-ships between irregular stems and past forms in an associative manner (Pinker 1997).

From the perspective of neural networks, however, one may ask whether two separate systems, for rules and exceptions, are actually necessary to handle regular and irregular inflection. Rumelhart and Mc-Clelland (1986b) showed that an elementary two-layer perceptron can store and retrieve important aspects of both past tense rules and exceptions. It can even produce errors typical for children who learn past tense formation, such as so-called overgeneralizations (e.g., ‘goed ’ instead of ‘went.’)

From a linguistic perspective, the two-layer model of past tense proposed by Rumelhart and McClelland has been criticized, for example because it does not appropriately model the fact that rule-conforming behavior is by far most likely to be generalized to novel forms. The past form of a newly introduced verb, such as ‘dif,’ will thus almost certainly receive an ‘ed’ ending if one intends to use it in the past tense (‘diffed.’) This is even so in languages where most verbs have irregular past forms and only a minority of the verbs conform to the rule. The rule is nevertheless used as the default and generalized to novel forms and even rare irregular items. This is a problem for a subset of connectionist models, because the strongest driving forces in associative networks are the most common patterns in the input.

However, there are distributed three-layer networks that solved the problem of default generalization surprisingly well (Hare et al. 1995). An important determinant is that rule-conforming input patterns are maximally dissimilar, while the members of an irregular class resemble each other. Consider the different regular forms to watch, talk, and jump in contrast to the similar members of an irregular class to sing, ring, and sting. Because the regulars are so heterogeneous, they occupy a wide area in input space. The representation in input space of a novel word is thus most likely to be closest to those of one of the many different regular forms, and this is one important reason why so many new items are treated as regular by the network. On the other hand, if a newly introduced item happens to strongly resemble many members of a regular class, for example the pseudo-word pling, it is, in many cases, treated as regular. These observations may lead one to redefine one’s concept of regularity: A rule is not necessarily the pattern most frequently applied to existing forms, but it is always the pattern applied to the most heterogeneous set of linguistic entities. The heterogeneity of the regular classes may explain default generalization along with the great productivity of rules.

The simulation studies of the acquisition of past tense and other inflection types by young infants suggest that neural networks consisting of one single system of layers of artificial neurons provide a reason-able model of the underlying cognitive and brain processes. In this realm, the single system perspective appears equally powerful as an approach favoring two systems, one specializing in rule storage and the other in elementary associative patterns.

Neuroscientific data and theories have recently shed new light on the issue of a single-system versus a double-system account of rule-like behavior. Important was the discovery of patients with brain lesions who were differentially impaired in processing regular and irregular past tense forms. Patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease or Broca’s aphasia were found to have more difficulty processing regulars, whereas patients with global deterioration of cortical functions as seen, for example, in Alzheimer’s Disease or Semantic Dementia showed impaired processing of irregulars (Ullman et al. 1997; Marslen-Wilson & Tyler, 1997). This double dissociation is difficult to model using a single system of connected layers, but is easy to handle if different neural systems are used to model regular and irregular inflection.

Another argument in favor of a double system account comes from neurobiological approaches pro-posing that words and inflectional affixes are represented in the cortex as distributed cell assemblies. In this case, past tense formation can involve two types of connections, local within-area connections in the core language areas and long-distance links between the language areas and outside. It is known from neuroanatomy that two adjacent neurons are more likely to be linked through a local connection than are two distant neurons to be linked by way of a long-distance connection. This situation can be modeled by two pathways connecting the neuronal counterparts of present stems and past forms, for example a three-layer architecture with two pathways connecting input and output layers, one with higher and the other with lower connection probabilities between neurons in adjacent layers. Parameters are chosen appropriately, the two pathways or systems will differentially specialize in the storage of rules and irregular patterns. Similar to a two-layer perceptron, the low-probability system is best at storing the simple mapping between irregular present forms that resemble each other and their past forms. In contrast, the complex mapping between the heterogeneous regular stems and their past forms is best accomplished by the three-layer component with high connection probabilities. When the two components are differentially lesioned, the network produces the double dissociation between regular and irregular inflection seen in neuropsycho-logical patients. This approach explains the neuropsychological double dissociation along with aspects of the acquisition of past tense formation by young infants (Pulvermuller 1998). This explanation is based on principles of cortical connectivity.

Together, the neuropsychological double dissociation and the neurobiological consideration argue in favor of a two-system model of regular and irregular inflection. In contrast to the modular proposal that each of two systems are exclusively concerned with regular and irregular processes, respectively, the neuroscientific variant would suggest a gradual specialization caused by differential connection probabilities. The ongoing debate between cognitive neuroscientists favoring single-or double-system accounts of rule-like knowledge clearly proves the importance of multidisciplinary interaction between the linguistic, cognitive, computational, and neurosciences.


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