Academic Writing Service

How to Revise and Edit a Research PaperWriting a research paper “isn’t over until it’s over.” Allow plenty of time to revise and edit your research paper. You started out without knowing what you were going to write about, and now you have in your hand, or on your screen, pages filled with information. What you have is a rough draft—and no one’s rough draft is perfect. To turn that draft into a finished paper you feel proud to hand in, read it again from beginning to end, and then make some improvements. This process is called revising and editing. Revision allows you to perfect your prose, sharpen the vocabulary, and ensure that others’ ideas are properly represented. As you revise, you will want to make sure that:

  • Your introduction engages the reader and clearly presents a thesis that responds to your assignment.
  • The body of your paper supports the thesis with laser-like focus.
  • Your conclusion convinces your readers of the importance of what you wrote.

Revision often requires changing the structure of your work to achieve a more logical presentation, one that is more descriptive, or one that ensures you have met the parameters of your assignment. More than anything else, it requires that you check all the facts and quotations you used and ensure that you have cited them properly and have not plagiarized a writer.

Academic Writing, Editing, Proofreading, And Problem Solving Services

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